ENGLISH 11 Projects: Presentations 15 minutes – DUE: 10/05
Options: PowerPoint or include a video or audio component
(if you use video – I want to you recreate a story, essay or poem and perhaps create a documentary overview of the time; if you use audio I expect a dramatic reading such as the Huck Finn CD)
Things needed for your project:
• A time line for your period with a list of events and/or literary works published during this time
• A list of authors and/or works from the period
• Make a list of common themes and characterization of the work written in this period
• Pick three authors, read something by them and summarize the material to share with class. Include at least two different genres.
• Perform an excerpt of a piece, or a poem, for the class. This can be done on the video tape or with the cd. This should be done without script.
• Include at least five photos/paintings – this can be incorporated into the PowerPoint or Video Production. These images should be of either authors or places associated with the time and material
• Personal reflection: what did you like about the period and literature (1/2 page or more).
• A group handout and activity about the period (this could be a simulation – play or a collection of games, or a game.
Use of PowerPoint, Video or CD: 20 points
Time 15 minutes 20 points
Time Line 5 points
Common Themes 10 points
List of Authors/Materials 10 points
Summaries of Pieces 10 points
Performance 20 points
Images 10 points
Reflection 5 points
Group Activity 20 points
TOTAL 130 points
Please note that you’ll be required to do research and that I expect outstanding presentations. You’re teaching the class.
* Native American to 1700 (stay on East Coast—remember you can discuss Oral traditions vs. written traditions here; perhaps you can include interviews???) and
Pre-Colonial (includes memoirs of explorers, the founding of early settlements including Roanoke, Jamestown, Plymouth)
• Colonial (1650-1750: Includes Salem Witch Trials, Puritan Religious Sermons, early American Poetry, etc.)
• Pre-Revolutionary War (1750-1770: includes Ben Franklin, French and Indian War; you could even use a book like the LAST OF THE MOHIGANS.
• Revolutionary War: 1775-1783; Thomas Paine, Thomas Jefferson, Paul Reeve, John Adams, etc. You can look at APRIL MORNING.)
It’s okay to use material written about your time period as additional information but don’t attempt to use it written in the time period. Example: LAST OF THE MOHIGANS by James F. Cooper was written in the 1820s but its setting is the French and Indian Wars in New York. Cooper was not a Pre-Revolutionary War writer; he was a romantic writer of the early 1800s.
13 years ago