Episode 5: The Feud (chapters 17-18)
Themes: Romanticism vs. Realism, Death and Rebirth
Motifs: persona (#5 - George Jackson or Jaxon)
Snakes - connection w/ Jim
George Washington
Families involved: Gangerfords and Shepherdson
Allusions: Romeo and Juliet, George Washington
Humor/Satire: Church scene with all the guns; Dr. Gunn's book of Family Medicine
Chapter 17 - GROUP QUESTIONS (started and to be finished in class on Monday)
1. What are two motifs that appear in this chapter?
2. What name does Huck take? What lie or story does he make up?
3. Make a list of items that appear in the house (at least four).
4. Make a list of books that appear in the house (at least four). Are any of the titles humorous – which ones? Why?
5. Describe the four paintings that Emmeline Grangerford created. What is in each picture? What do you think each picture is about?
6. What is Emmeline’s poem about? What is humorous about it?
7. Twain is using the descriptions of this house and Emmeline as a forshadow for the next chapter. What do you think he is hinting